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Chocolate, Coffee, Tea Museum 

in Saudi

DALL·E 2023-08-21 14.10.35 - a photo of a majestic round glass tunnel entrance from floor


 a glass tunel where cocoa, coffee and tea trees are growing along in a luxuriant rainforest environment

centre piece

A round dome where the main entrance leads to, where 4 ways opening up to chocolate, tea, coffee and cafe/retail

center piece could represent giant animals of the rainforest such as monkeys, snakes, birds,  made of chocolate

DALL·E 2023-08-21 14.30.46 - a photo of a majestic round glass tunnel entrance from floor
DALL·E 2023-08-21 16.01.38 - floor plan with tunnel entrance leading to a large round room

4 way system

A Pathway of a 4 way system joining each other to discover the history, process and consumption of each ingredient (chocolate, coffee, tea), and chocolate cafe lounge / retail.

with rainforest visible inside and outside the circle

and each path leading to a retail shop and a main cafe and smaller chocolate cafe tea cafes

an extension of the floor area will lead to rooms for demonstrations, to hire, and for educational purpose. 

chocolate factory

One of the 3 paths leading to the exhibition of chocolate history, followed by a small factory (beans to bar making and chocolaterie), and the tasting and making workshop spaces.

café: hot and iced chocolate drinks

DALL·E 2023-08-21 14.30.46 - a photo of a majestic round glass tunnel entrance from floor
DALL·E 2023-08-21 16.01.38 - floor plan with tunnel entrance leading to a large round room

coffee factory

One of the 4 pathways where coffee beans from different parts of the world are processed; 

workshop consist in making your own blend of beans, tasting coffee from different origin,

or cover them with chocolate

café: coffee area by origin 

tea factory

One of the 4 pathways were tea leaves are shown to dry or being selected

workshop consist in tasing tea from different origins and or blending with chocolate to make a ganache

café: tea time

DALL·E 2023-08-21 14.30.46 - a photo of a majestic round glass tunnel entrance from floor
DALL·E 2023-08-21 16.01.38 - floor plan with tunnel entrance leading to a large round room

lounge chocolate cafe / retail

A Pathway of a 3 way system joining each other to discover the history, process and consumption of each ingredient

with rainforest visible inside and outside the circle

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